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Have a heart, save a life today

The CHF Ghana ventured into the deep waters!

The 2023 Childrens Heart Foundation Ghana Ball was a huge success. The night was full of oceanic glamour, great music, laughter, and a real sense of purpose. Throughout the evening, Patrons were constantly reminded of the reason for the occasion and how they could contribute to saving the lives of more Ghanaian children in need.
The Children’s Heart Foundation Ghana raises money to pay for open-heart surgery for young Ghanaian children for whom this life-saving surgery is required for them to live normal lives. Over the last 15 years, the 6 Trustees of The Children’s Heart Foundation Ghana have raised US$2.6 million and paid for the surgeries of 276 children.
This ball held at Labadi Beach Hotel was this year’s main fundraising event and was supported by corporations and individuals that provide sponsorship in the form of cash or donations, that allows the Trustees to positively impact the lives of many children and their families.
This year’s oceanic glamour extravaganza included great music, a delicious sumptuous meal, and an excellent networking opportunity or catch up session for those who attended. The ballroom at Labadi Beach, Hotel was transformed into a gently undulating oceanic playground which gave the feel and look of being in a spacious underwater locale in some far away tropical island. It was a relaxing visual and oral immersion for the over 250 attendees who were fortunate enough to be able to purchase the limited tickets that were available.
However, what made the night super special was the actual presence of three beneficiaries who had received open-heart surgeries paid for by the Childrens Heart Foundation Ghana, over the years, and to have one of the children, and one of the parents, publicly and passionately, thank the donors and sponsors for their generosity, over the years, and to thank them for saving their lives, and allowing them to now lead ordinary healthy and happy lives. Their authentic unscripted addresses to the audience had some of the attendees silently weeping for joy to know that they were part of an event that will save many more lives in the future. And if that was not enough, the three young people featured shared with the audience the paintings that they had done as a thank you to be auctioned. They explained the joy and the satisfaction of being able to give back to the people who gave them a second chance of life. Needless to say both paintings were snapped up in the silent auction, as the patrons present were interested in doing their part to save a life of a child that is in the need of open-heart surgery.

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