+233 241-059-446

Have a heart, save a life today

About Us

Every year over 200 children are diagnosed with congenital heart diseases in Ghana, and often their families cannot afford the thousands of Euro’s it will cost to save their child’s life.

We the Trustees of The Children’s Heart Foundation Ghana  have the pleasure and honor of introducing our Charity, a non-profit, non-governmental voluntary organization committed to the promotion of health and the socio-economic well being of children with heart disorders.


The Children’s Heart Foundation Ghana is a dedicated non-profit and non-governmental organization focused on enhancing health outcomes and socio-economic conditions for children suffering from heart conditions. Our efforts are deeply rooted in compassion and commitment to make a significant impact on the lives of these children and their families.


Our primary mission is to provide essential financial support to families facing the daunting challenge of affording critical, yet costly, life-saving surgeries for their children. Under the leadership and guidance of our trustees – Mrs. Jacqui Ahomka-Lindsay, Mrs. Surama King, Miss Folake Ojo, Mrs. Dzborgdi K. Dosoo, Mrs. Grace Krobo-Edusei, and Mrs. Karen Hendrickson – we have dedicated over fifteen years to actively raising funds and spearheading efforts to save the lives of countless sick children across Ghana. Our trustees are publicly recognized for their unwavering dedication and significant contributions to our cause.

Meet the trustees

Mrs. Jacqui Ahomka-Lindsay

President & Fundraiser (CHFG)

Optometrist CEO of The Eye Emporium Ltd.

Mrs. Karen Hendrickson

Marketing and P.R. Director of (CHFG)

Business consultant, Author

Mrs. Dzigbordi K. Dosoo

Strategist (CHFG)

Business Executive CEO of Allure Africa Group

Mrs. Surama King

Creative Director/ Strategist (CHFG)

Experiential Learning Educator.
CAS & Events Coordinator at Tema International School

Mrs. Grace Krobo-Edusei

Executive Secretary (CHFG)

Pastor|Interior Designer | CEO of lifestyle & living Interiors in Ghana

Ms. Folake 0jo

Treasurer Director (CHFG)

Business Executive
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