+233 241-059-446

Have a heart, save a life today

A Heartfelt Thank You from The Trustees

We, the Trustees of The Children’s Heart Foundation Ghana, extend our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who joined and supported our recent health walk. Your presence and commitment were truly heartwarming, reflecting the compassion and unity that defines our community.



The success of the event, with over 300 participants from various walks of life, underlines the strength we derive from coming together for a common cause – the well-being of children with congenital heart diseases. Your enthusiasm, whether as individuals, families, or corporate groups, has left an indelible mark on our hearts.


We are immensely thankful for the unwavering support of our partners, including Cross Train, The Pilates Studio, Labadi Beach Hotel, Grace Centre for Growth & Excellence, Biggo Drinks, Tema International School, TGNE Studios, Rabito Clinic, Twi, Verna Water, Bfit4life, Fairafric, Fruity Habit, and Nissie Creatives. Your collaboration and generosity amplify the impact of our mission.



As Trustees, we are inspired by the collective effort witnessed during the health walk, reminding us of the urgent need to support children with congenital heart diseases in Ghana. Your participation not only raised awareness but also contributed to vital funds that will enable us to provide critical medical care and support to those in need.


Since our establishment in 2011, we have been dedicated to this cause, and your continued support fuels our determination to make a difference. Together, we have supported over 220 children, facilitating life-changing surgeries and medical interventions exceeding US$2.25 million over the last 13 years.



However, the journey is far from over. There are currently 53 children on our waitlist, eagerly awaiting support totaling almost US$500,000. Your commitment during the health walk is a beacon of hope for these children and their families.




In closing, thank you for being the heart of our foundation. Your support amplifies our mission and brings us one step closer to ensuring every child has the chance to live a healthy and fulfilling life. View Full Gallery


Looking ahead, we are gearing up for our annual Fundraising Ball on Saturday, May 4, at the Labadi Beach Hotel. We invite you to join us for an evening of hope, inspiration, and fundraising that will have a lasting impact on the lives of these children.


With heartfelt appreciation,

The Trustees of The Children’s Heart Foundation Ghana


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