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Children’s Heart Foundation supports Hole in Heart children with GHC 514,000

The Children’s Heart Foundation Ghana has paid for the surgery of 20 children diagnosed with congenital heart disease at a cost of GHC514,000 at the Korle-Bu cardiothoracic centre.

According to President of the foundation, Jacqueline Ahomka-Lindsay The Children’s Heart Foundation Ghana strives to provide the best financial support necessary to care for children diagnosed with a congenital heart disease. Through this support we provide hope and relief to the families who are battling childhood heart disease.”

“Every child and every family are different. With that in mind, we desire to meet their needs individually and, on a case, -by-case basis. We want to get to know the child and their family, so we can best support and assist them while they go through the trials of fighting childhood congenital heart disease”, she added.

Madam Ahomka-Lindsay said the foundation achieves its mission through networking with medical professionals to ensure families are getting the support they need.

She added that this mission can only be achieved with the financial support of individual donors, businesses and corporations who understand the financial and emotional stress a family endures while caring for their child.

The Children’s Heart Foundation Ghana has, for the past 10 years been dedicated to providing financial assistance for open heart surgery for afflicted children. The cost of which, ranges from USD$6,000 to USD$9,000.

According to Madam Ahomka-Lindsay, sometimes the complicated cases require a 2-stage surgery at an additional cost of USD 3000.

She said this year marks the largest number of children who have benefitted from the payment since the inception of the Children’s Heart Foundation. She highlighted fund raising as some of the challenges faced by the foundation.

To date, The Children’s Heart Foundation has paid for the surgery of 183 children at a cost of USD$ 593,000 (GHC 2,829, 000).

Madam Ahomka-Lindsay said: “We have been able to achieve this through the generous support of individual and business donations; our corporate donors have been steadfast in their journey with us and sixteen of the twenty children who are beneficiaries at today’s presentation were sponsored by these corporations. Some paying for one, whilst others paid for two or three children. Through special fundraising event and corporate sponsorship, we hope and do touch the lives of these children and their families.”

She expressed her gratitude to Ecobank, Barry Callebaut, Interplast, Safebond, Geodrill, GHL Bank, African Environmental Research Consultancy, Bond Savings and Loan, Tropical Cables, Hollard Insurance, Newmont Ghana, Acacia, Labadi Beach Hotel, Ghana International School, Tema International School, Premium Food, Enterprise Group, And Whitaker Group.


Source :https://thebftonline.com/2018/business/companies/childrens-heart-foundation-supports-hole-in-heart-children-with-ghc514000/

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